
How it works

You can choose any convenient payment option: 3 months / 6 months / 12 months / or subscription
If you send us your device, you will receive 50% of the market value of it in the form of a gift card from one of the networks:_______

How do we calculate the denomination of the gift card:

01. We find your model at the moment of making the claim.
In order to accurately evaluate your device, we use a price runner. We find the device model you want to exchange and the price runner shows us the value of this device on the market.
02. We find the average cost between the highest and lowest price of the model
For example: The model of your device for which the service was issued is Samsung **** The cost of this model when processing the request:
The lowest ______.
Highest _____
Average price: _______
is the face value of your gift card.
03. We send you the calculation of the value of the gift card*.
We will notify you of the nominal value of the gift card, which you will receive via SMS/call/mail.
04. Your gift card will be sent to you via SMS or email in exchange of your device.
After we will receive your device we will sent immediately to you via SMS or email your gift card, which you can use for a new device purchase.




* - according to price on